Automate LMA license subscriptions in Salesforce for your ISV Apps

Experience Cloud Site,Salesforce Flow

With our recent release earlier this year, Create a Subscription invocable action, you can create a Subscription in Stripe by providing few parameters. With that, along with other Lite pae components, if you are a Salesforce ISV partner and have apps listed on Salesforce Appexchange and using License Management App (LMA) provided by Salesforce then you can automate subscriptions for your customer License.

Although, even if you are not ISV partners and just want to create subscriptions, you can still do it as mentioned in above article Create a Subscription. But this is specific for ISV App use case.

Check out the video linked at the top of this article, explaining the overall flow of the solution. So, do check that out.

Here's a quick overview of the solution.

Basically, the solution is divided into 2 processes.

  • Sales rep/billing rep go to the License record and click on a custom SF button which triggers a custom flow and send email to your customer with a link to purchase
  • Customer go to this link i.e. an experience cloud page public page (it could be member enabled page as well if you have portal for your customers) and confirm their email address and Salesforce Organization Id they want to purchase subscription for and pay.

This is just a basic setup to automate the payment collection for your license subscriptions using Salesforce Experience cloud site, but you can customize as per your business requirements.


If you need the complete solution with all the flows and components shown in video, see instructions below or please reach out to us at [email protected] if you need help with the solution.

Here's the packaged zip file which you can deploy to your sandbox using Salesforce workbench tool or sf cli. Here's quick summary of the components included:

  • 4 Salesforce flows
  • 1 custom field on Contact object (Stripe Customer Id)
  • 1 permission set (to give permission to above field and few on LMA License record and Account)

In adition to above package deployment, you also need a sharing rule to share following records with guest user.

  • Payment Account (Lite Pae custom object)

How to deploy using Salesforce Workbench

  • Go to
  • Login with your sandbox
  • On top menu pick Migration -> Deploy
    • Choose file-> pick file you downloaded
    • Single Package -> check
    • Rollback on error -> check
    • And click Next

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